Nov 17, 2008

Kyler Thomas Cwiakala

October 30, 2008
6:22 pm
8 lbs 14 oz 21 inches long

Kyler was due October 22, 2008 but decided he would rather wait for a while. His due date came and went with no changes at all at doctors appointments. We had our last appoinment on October 29, 2008 with Audrey. We got the nurse practitioner because Dr Eckle was at his other office for the day, and was preparing to leave for vacation at the beginning of November.
When Audrey walked in she asked why we hadn't had Kyler yet, we just replied with we were letting him waituntil hes ready. She checked my cervix to find no change at all from the week before. She said she would talk to Dr Eckle ti see about scheduling an induction and see what he think we should do. Jake and i said ok, left the office and headed home. We were almost home when Audrey called me. She said Dr Eckle was concerned about how late Kyler was and he wanted us to go to the hospital to have an amniotic fluid index done to make sure Kyler was fine. Jake and i agreed to eat dinner first, then head over.

We called my mom and asked her to go, because he was nervous about sitting there alone all night. So we stopped off at my parents house and had my mom and tammy tag along for the tests. We got to the hospital about 8:30 pm on October 29 and went in to get everything set up for the test. The nurse asked lots of questions for paperwork, then got tests started. She said his heart rate and reactions were excellent, then came the ultrasound test. Basically Kyler was going to be scored on his movement, breathing and amniotic fluid amounts. He did great ..ments (he hated ultrasounds, he always ran away) and even showed off some "practice" breathing, but his largest pocket of amniotic fluid was 1.8 cm (very very low, she said i would probably end up staying because of that alone-then told us she wasnt supposed to say anything lol) So the nurses called the "on call" OB/GYN (Dr Moon i think it was) and gave her the test results. She said I needed to stay and be monitored because his fluid was really low, and that I needed to be induced in the morning (perfect timing for Dr Eckles last day before his 2 week vacation) Jake was excited and terrified and nervous! and I was exhausted and ready to get this going (terried too lol) The nurse set us up in a delivery room for the next morning and me and jake got some much needed sleep.

Thursday morning at about 4:30am the nurse came in to start my IV medicine with pitocin and fluids, at about 5:30am I started really feeling contractions and asked for the epideral to be started. The doctor came in shortly thereafter to start the epideral (sucky part is he was putting the needle into my spine when I started another contraction) and helped make me much more comfortable. For the rest of the day the nurses came in to roll to either side to help with my cervix dilation; I was asleep the entire day and thank god i didnt feel my contractions!
About 5:30pm or so my contractions started getting stronger again, and i could feel my feet again (knew that couldnt be good...) so i asked the nurse what was going on. She told me my epideral medicine needed to be changed, and i was quickly running out. She called for the doctor to come back and change my meds so my epideral didnt completely wear off, but low and behold Kyler had decided to finally arrive! My contractions were about a minute and half apart (killing me...) and coming strong! The nurse said it was finally time to start pushing and called for Dr Eckle to come to the room.

Dr Eckle arrived just in time to help with the beginning of the delivery (saying "dont wait for me...go ahead and push") and after about 15-20 minutes of pushing Kyler Thomas finally joined the world! He was a quiet observant beautiful baby, looking at everything around him. Tammy walked in right after he was delivered and jake was a bundle of emotions and tears! My mom (graphic photographer she is) decided to document every step of his delivery, and he looked gorgeous!

I finally have my family together now, and I can imagine my life without Jake or Kyler. My boys are my world and I love them more than any words can say. I thank god for giving me my loving husband and my beautiful baby boy.