Jan 28, 2009

Almost 12 weeks old!

i cant believe its gone so fast.
Kyler will be 12 weeks old tomorrow!

hes getting so big, and has a huge personality to match!
hes daddys pride and joy,
and mommas best cuddle buddy!

i'll post new pictures soon.
been a busy week...finally hump day, and getting to saturday seems like a million years away!
(dont even want to think about how our next day off is Feb 19th!)
and 5 more weeks to spring break.
(only benefit of spring break, is momma and kyler get to spend MUCHO time together again! YIPPEE!)

we hope everyone is doing great.
trying to get some things paid off with tax returns so we can breathe a little easier,
and so momma and daddy are so exhausted!
(maybe a vacation is in the future! YAY!)

Jan 10, 2009

Big Boy!

Took Ky to a Jerylin and Tal's pediatrician yesterday cuz he was congested and raspy. Nurse Rita weighed him at 14 lbs 3 oz! (he weighed 13 lbs 11 oz dec 30 for his 2 mo shots!) and then she played with Ky til i finished paperwork! so nice! Dr. Ravi is super sweet, she has triplet boys and is great! she says to call her any time at all about anything! Her practice number connects you to her cell after hours!

She gave Ky a breathing treatment and said he sounded better afterwards. She said its not much to worry about and call if he doesn't sound better. yay for good doctors!

Thanks a bunch Jerylin!

Jan 6, 2009

New pics of Kyler January 5/6, 2009

Ky is really getting big now! he takes up my whole lap when he naps, i can remember when he used to fit in one arm! my goodness. it feels like he was just born yesterday.

my favorite of ky and grandpa

i miss him so much all day while i'm at work

nothing like my babys love

i love how he never wants to let me go

Lots of new things!

So going back to work hasnt been as bad as I had originally thought it would be. Honestly, its not too rough. But...I would definetly much rather be home with Ky. I hate not seeing him discover new things. Or figure out how to something new! Tammy and my dad are great to him and love him very much, but its not the same only spending a few hours before bedtime with him. I miss being able to wake up and see his gorgeous smile. Or play with him and starting giggling and cooing to me. I hate that i could possible miss the most important years of his life because i have to work all day. I love him and want to give him the world, but would rather raise a healthy happy beautiful baby then be gone from him all day for the week. Its heartbreaking to think our society has to resort to leaving our small developing children in the hands of caregivers because family can not be self-sufficient on only 1 income. (wish it was the modern world with the 1940's/50's economy!)

Kyler is getting big! learning and discovering new things every day. He smiles for mommy and grandpa ALOT now. hes got a beautiful toothless grin! You know your a true momma when your babys smile brings tears to your eyes! or when hearing your baby cry breaks your heart and you would do anything to make it better.

This week as been a strange one for the whole family. Mommy and Ky are used to being able to sleep until Ky is ready to get up and play, and then daddy comes home to play and help feed Ky so mommy can relax. Instead, mommy has to get up at 6 am (usually about 2-3 hours before Ky is awake) feeds Ky so he goes back to sleep again with daddy and then leaves for work. Daddy and Ky have been getting up around 8 am and daddy has to feed Ky so he can go visit with tammy and grandpa until mommy gets off. Daddy has had to work nights again this week in Chandler so he leaves at noon and gets home around midnight. mommy and ky try to go to sleep before 10 pm, so we're already asleep when daddy gets home again. Ky has been a little fussy trying to get into the swing of something new instead of being with mommy all day, but has been very good for the most part. He really loves playing with grandpa!

Mommy will write more later and post new pictures cuz she gets to come home soon! YAY!

Jan 5, 2009

New Year, New Start

Well...Jake, Kyler and I have been very busy lately. Between moving into a new house, Christmas and New Years we have been SUPER busy! I go back to work tomorrow (BOO!) and should be sleeping. But my brain is a flutter with many things to think about...what will happen to Kyler's development if I'm not home with him to play and see him grow? How much will I miss by having to work? Why cant life be simple and families be able to survive on 1 income in this day and age? SHEESH!

All I can say is that I already miss him. I dont want to be gone from him all day and miss all the adorable and interesting things he does! Hes grown so much so fast already, I dont want to miss him growing up. Sad day in our lives tomorrow when momma has to leave Ky all day to go make the money. :-(

Just to update everyone, Kyler got his 2 months shots (4 of them poor baby) and is now 9 weeks old and 14 pounds! My goodnes hes growing so fast! Hes picking up his head when hes on his belly for "tummy time" and trying to push himself up. He oohs and ahhs for anyone who plays with him and loves to be held and cuddled (all my fault, but i love to cuddle him!) He loves to play with mom and dad, and really loves with grandpa and uncle tim tickle him! Hes starting to look like a perfect combo of grandpa/tim and daddy.

We watched football on Sunday, college bowls games all weekend, and then went to grandpa and grandmas to watch the Cardinals win 1st round plays off! YAY!

New Years was mellow, mommy made spaghetti and meatballs and Kyler and daddy watched football. Then we watched a movie and went to bed early. Kyler was very tired and daddy was getting sick. YucK!

(if you click on my pictures you can see them better!)

Me watching football at grandpa and grandmas house on sunday, the bears lost : (
I'm getting VERY BIG and already weight 14 pounds! I'll be 9 weeks on Thursday!

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me and momma wearing our bears gear, WE MATCH! (this was the first outfit daddy bought for me! and i've already outgrown it!), but me and daddy were very sad that the bears lost : (

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i like playing with grandpa! hes silly and makes me laugh! i like when he tickles me!